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Perfume Iza Malczyk


Listed: 2007-10-06
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Each one of us - artsts - wishes to create a perfect piece, such that would make people speechless and evoke the desired emotions. Some of us want to achieve this at all costs. Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, the main protagonist of Patrick Süskind's novel, has managed to create a truly divine masterpiece, but the effect of his work proved to be as tragic as whole Grenouille's life.

The idea of this necklace was born in my mind within a split second, but making it was really time-consuming. Large, natural white coral is trapped in a cage of diversly wrapped wires and crowned with a large natural pearl. The shape of the pendant resembles a bottle of perfume closed with an exquisite bung. I've also used some gorgeous rainbow moonstone flat briolettes, opalescent with ice-blue fire, freshwater pearls, howlite, rock crystal and lots of oxidised sterling and fine silver the delicate chain and subtle clasp are also made of.

Pendant's length: 6.5cm / 2.6''

Necklace's length: 72cm / 29''

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