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In Loving Memory of... Iza Malczyk

In Loving Memory of...


Listed: 2007-08-07
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This pendant is special for me. The focal bead is a huge vintage crystal, which belonged to my Grandfather. He collected gemstones and crystals and cherished them. Now all that was left, when he has passed away, is those jewels and some old photographs. This pendant is my metaphor of passing. The purity of crystal stands for the souls of those, who are no longer among us. The knot reminds me of how close we were to each other. I do think of you, my Loved Ones...

The pendant was made of a huge, translucent vintage crystal and oxidised sterling and fine silver, it hangs from a double rollo chain.

PRIVATE COLLECTION - may be reproduced with a different focal bead

Crystal's dimensions: 4cm x 3,5cm

Length of the pendant with the bail: 9cm

Length of the chain: 65cm
If you're interested in this piece, please, contact me via the contact sheet.

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